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Get your matching marketplace up in no time with all of the features you need out of the box.

Profile/offer management & moderation

The platform allows you to configure the fields available for users to add to their profiles/offers and related meta data. As an administrator, you can check offerer profiles to make sure they match defined membership requirements.

Search view with customised filters & sorting mechanisms

We can configure which profiles, objects and other things are showing in the search and filters etc.

Profile/offer matching & dashboard for managing listed/matched offers

A nuanced version of searching where results are expected based on an implicitly provided profile or request. Matching profiles/preferences can be defined and we are able to show search results with matching score.

Ability to submit & accept proposals

From the provider detail page the client is able to request a proposal or send the provider a message requesting more information. The client can submit a proposal request via a form on their profile dashboard. From the proposal detail page the client is able to accept or decline the offer.

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Ratings, reviews & feedback

This feature allows users to rate, provide reviews and feedback between different profiles & offers. The reviews flow is automatically triggered a set number of days after a user interacts with an offer or profile.

Messaging interface via platform

A mobile responsive chat/messaging interface has been designed for implementation within the CNXION platform and added to our roadmap.

Basic email notifications

Customise the notifications sent to the users of your application. All emails are sent using sendgrid and the content can be customised as you wish.

Progressive web application

The platform is mobile responsive by default but is also a progressive web application allowing your users to install the website like a native application on their mobile device.

Search engine optimisation

The platform is set up and ready to accept SEO optimised meta data.

Multilingual capabilities

Ability to provide the platform in multiple languages where additional language content can be managed within weblate. 

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